Gabriela M's Photo

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  • Last login 9 months ago

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  • 29 references 12 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Spanish; learning Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), French, Italian, Portuguese
  • 37, Female
  • Member since 2012
  • Employee
  • Bachelor Degree in Computer Science
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


To apply the secret in my daily life. I believe in energy, frequency and vibrations.

Make it possible.

*********** UPDATE 2020 ************

I am a mexican Spanish certified teacher/ yoga teacher. I quit my job, bought a flight ticket and moved to China since 2018!

Meeting people around the world is like a therapy for me, sometimes you need to speak to the people from the countries you've visited to express and release some emotions stuck in your wanderlust heart and also to refresh some memories.

If you send me a request to hang out and I accept please write, do not wait for me to start the chat, if you chose me to hang out then tell me why would you like to hang out with me!!!

If you know how to do the handstand and can help me to practice I would be more than happy to meet you,
If you are involved in Circus stuff then I want to meet you yes or yes!
if you speak algerian or lebanese arabic it would be my pleasure meeting you.
If you are from Brazil or Portugal, I would love to talk to you in portuguese, the same with Italians.
And of course if you are Japanese we MUST go to eat sushi please and talk about your beautiful country!
If you have been to Kenya/Madagascar/Tanzania/Namibia I would like to listen to your travel stories in those countries.
If you are Chilean you are already my friend even if we have not met yet :)
And of course if you are an artist, I would like you to show me your work of art!
In return, I will show you Guadalajara (if I am in Mexico) or China through my strict eyes, tell you about my stories around the world, have a nice chat, walk a lot, and show you the good places to hang out.
BUT if you are a simple human being who wants to share a moment with me you will be more than welcome ;)

I am not used to hang out with people who do not have references or AT LEAST a detailed profile with lots of pictures and a long description about themselves.

I am not a party girl, I might go out and get drunk AF sometimes but I don't do this every weekend since I do a lot of gymnastic/yoga stuff and I can't have hangover when I am doing such difficult exercises.

I sometimes just want to hang out and eat a big piece of chocolate cake and drink coffee and have a great chat about traveling, life, whatever.

I can't host anybody now because currently I don't have my own home.


My pictures say more about me than my words:

All you need to know about me and my trips you will find it on my blog, I've been writing on this blog for more than 10 years, deep thoughts here:

Am I a polyglot? You judge by yourself:

I am :

Sincere, quiet, creative, impulsive, passionate, adventurous, spontaneous, hardworking, all-rounder, nerd, and I'm crazy about art, nature and languages.

It's hard for me to understand the world, the time, the politics, the history, the religion and the fanaticism it is because I'm always moved by stuff like nature or emotions,
I am always doing things that are really challenges in my life, even when they go beyond my fears,

Sometimes I put myself in a white paper sheet without marks, colors, draws, just nothing,

I don't defend my country, my religion, my government as an animal with claws,
The truth is that I'm only a human, trying to find myself, sometimes I don't take up but I don't give up,
I'm only walking that's all and if while being on the road I could find any meaning it would be great,
but if I don't, I can live/die without regreting.

You can either think: you, me, and the rest suck or you, me and the rest are the best.


Go for it!

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

AlI I've got to say, is that all the times while I've been traveling/hosted have been great experiences, I have learnt a lot. I'm really thankful for all those persons that opened their heart and mind to me. Being polite, respectful, taking care of me, showing around, inviting me a drink, meal, or just being a good companion while being so far from home. I will never forget you guys! even when we never meet again, even when we don't talk as often I'll always remember you when I see my pictures or when I simply remember any of my journeys.

Much MUCH love for you!


  • animals
  • arts
  • writing
  • photography
  • dancing
  • dining
  • yoga
  • meditation
  • walking
  • drinking
  • flying
  • politics
  • traveling
  • puzzles
  • camping
  • sports
  • gymnastics
  • swimming
  • history
  • languages
  • religion
  • beaches
  • contortion
  • acro yoga

Music, Movies, and Books

Bossa Nova, Rock, Grunge, Reggae, Trova, Underground, Jazz, Blues, Rock-pop, Oldies. I listen to music in lots of languages.

Salsa music too dance/listen.
Samba music dance/listen.

I love to watch NatGeo Wild, especially about Namib desert, Artic and Antartic, Madagascar and many many places around the world.

I mostly watch Art cinema.

Book list:
-Anne Frank Diary (She was my hero when I was 12 years old, I have read the book in Spanish, Portuguese and some pages in Italian and I'd like to read it in French too).
- Erase Un Hombre Pentafásico (by Emma Godoy)
- The man in the Maze
- Thus Spoke Zarathustra
- IT
- Persépolis
- The Atlas ( when I see a map it makes me sigh so deeply like if I were in love)
-Moby Dick
- The Alchemist
- 100 years of solitude

And more, more...

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

2012 : Trekking Torres del Paine, 8 hours roundtrip did it myself!!!

2013 : My trip to Myanmar, the best experience ever.

2014 : First time in Europe!!

2015 : Flying to the german north sea (Langeoog Island) in a sport aircraft.

2015: Trolltunga trekking

2016: Go to Israel and Iran in the same trip using only one passport (I had my iranian visa on my passport when I entered to Israel...yup).

2016: 23 km Trekking in Mesr Desert, Iran.

2017: Traveled to North Korea

2018: Moved abroad for the first time (China).

2019: Just trying to survive living in a communist country and complex country like China.

Teach, Learn, Share

-I can teach Spanish
-I can teach yoga and flexibility
-Share Experiences
-Exchange languages

What I Can Share with Hosts

Chocolate cake.

Countries I’ve Visited

Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Cambodia, Chile, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Malaysia, Mexico, Myanmar, Netherlands, North Korea, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Vatican City State, Viet Nam

Countries I’ve Lived In

China, Mexico

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